Teaching and Learning Applications
. Take and store digital photos for a project
. Make a spreadsheet
. Draw a picture
. Make a concept map summarizing a chapter
. Form, visualize, and solve equations .
. Keep track of your class schedules, assignments, and grades
. Record observations on a field trip
. Read an ebook
. Find locations with a GPS
. Study and compose music
. Graph data
. View and use maps
. Increase content accessibility for those with disabilities
. Gather data on temperature, light, voltage, pH, and more with data probes
. Program your own handheld application
. Conduct a surveying expedition
. Look up a word in a dictionary
. Use flashcards
. Use a tutorial for self-study
. Conduct a stock market simulation
. Take notes and write a research paper
. Take notes in class
. Practice handwriting
. Study a foreign language
. Listen to historic speeches
. Take part in a collaborative simulation
. Do research on the web
. Conduct an academic competition
. Gather and analyze data on environmental issues
. Make a timeline
. Look up a word in a thesaurus
. Create an outline
. Study for a test
. Give students step-by-step instructions or visual plans for projects
. Keep a journal
. Create fitness records for students
. Access writing prompts and editing checklists
. Learn to read and write Japanese characters
. Learn about concepts in measurement
. Practice multiplication tables
. Access the periodic table
. Manage a collaborative project
. Look at reference diagrams on parts of the human body
. Make a photo album
. Listen to and study classical music
. Build a robot controlled by a handheld device
. Track a community service learning project
. Read about the latest current events
. Study astronomy
. Build vocabulary through word games
. Find or create a geocache
. Have classes create their own mobile information channels to share information with other classes or the community
. Create a database of endangered species
. Read historical primary source documents